Autors Tēma: Prezidenta vēlēšanas Sīrijas Arābu republikā  (Lasīts 245 reizes)

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Prezidenta vēlēšanas Sīrijas Arābu republikā
« : 2021. gada 22. aprīlis, 16:08:43 »
Šogad 26.maijā Sīrijas notiks valsts prezidenta velešanas jau trešos reizi šīs valsts vēsturē.
President al-Assad was the sixth to file for the upcoming presidential elections. The other five candidates are:
  • Abdullah Sallum Abullah: a member of the Socialist Unionist Party, a former Member of the People’s Assembly and a former Minister of State from Aleppo.
  • Mohamad Firas Yassin Rajouh: an engineer, media activists and a businessman from Damascus. In 2014, he filed for the presidential elections. However, he failed to secure the approval of 35 members of the People’s Assembly.
  • Faten Ali Nahar: an independent lawyer from al-Quneitra and the first ever female to file for the presidential elections in Syria.
  • Mohanad Nadim Sha’ban: a former independent candidate to the 2020 parliamentary elections from Damascus.
  • Mohamad Muafaq Sawan: President of the Democratic Unionist Reform Party from Damascus.
Al-Assad will certainly reach the elections as his party, the Arab Socialist Baʽath Party, dominates the People’s Assembly. The other candidates may, however, struggle to get the required support from 35 members of the Assembly.
Prognozes protams ir liekas, jo kamēr Putins būs Krievijas "prezidents" - Bashar al-Assad būs Sīrijas "prezidents". Latvijas iedzīvotājiem būtu jāatceras , ka notiek arī šādas - viltus vēlēšanās ne tikai Baltkrievijā un Krievijā. ;) 
"Tātad es esmu tapis jūsu ienaidnieks, sacīdams jums patiesību. " Galatiešiem 4:16
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